Services that you can pay for separately or together over a period of time office rental price that a company working in the office supply sector will offer you in addition to office rental services.
Basic services include private phone number, private fax number, meeting room, representative staff, business waiting room...
To more professional jobs such as professional switchboard, online work management, BSS system, online human resource management, online B-Fax, meeting office rental...
And additional services from tax registration, hosting registration service, web design, domain name purchase service, printing service, business establishment...
It is an overview of the services you can receive by purchasing, by offering, by adding in office rental price that you have paid from a broker or office rental. When knowing the services mentioned above, G – OFFICE also hopes that you can find the most effective way for your business and your company as well as office rental price suitable for you so you can use it by outsourcing or your company does it yourself, research and learn by yourself.
G – OFFICE wishes you always have the right direction in all matters related to office rental, office rental price, office rental quality,…